So-meth-ing isn’t right here!

It used to be one of the less popular drugs but now, thanks to the production of American Television series Breaking Bad, Methamphetamine has been notoriously circulating more than ever in the drugs world.


And, it turns out that they are being used in a less than conventional way (pun intended).

A couple in Oregon left a waitress a very peculiar tip when they left a restaurant, much to the surprise of fellow diners and staff.

An envelope full of crystal meth was left on the table for all to see.

In my opinion, it was probably peaceful protest in regards to the ridiculous tipping system they’ve adopted in America!

When we went to Florida on holiday we spent hundreds on tipping 10% of our checks, leaving us with burn marks in our pockets and an incredibly large overdraft (this may be a slight over exaggeration).

In the end, we stopped tipping in money and instead left written notes mostly giving them a tip of frying less food (particularly vegetables- THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO BE HEALTHY!!!) and to try to stop adding cheese to everything.

Cheese is only acceptable in Cheesecake.

I tended to draw the line when they served me a bowl of fried mars bar and cheddar cheese ice-cream!